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The IUPUI University Library building is closed until further notice. Library services will continue virtually.
Find up-to-date information on new and ongoing library services.
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How is borrowing and renewing materials and fines being affected by COVID-19?
How do I access resources from off campus?
Can non-IUPUI users access the building during this period?
Can I reserve Library space for meetings?
How do I link to Persistent or Stable URLs from library databases?
I am not affiliated with IUPUI; can I get a library card and use library subscription resources?
Last Updated: excessⅴpn安卓 |
Views: 47
What if I need additional online library resources for my students to use during this period?
How do I link to Library Resources in Canvas?
Where is my book located in the library?
Last Updated: Jan 02, 2023 |
Views: 34
Will offices in the Library such as the Center for Teaching and Learning, Graduate Office, Athletics Advising, etc. be open during this period?
博弈论在家庭分配模型中的应用文献研究-论文 - 道客巴巴:2021-10-18 · SocialScienceVo1.353,013博弈论在家庭分配模型中的应用文献研究罗芳,田苗,陈丽军1.黄冈师范学院商学院,湖北黄冈438000;.中南财经政法大学工商管理学院,湖北武汉430074摘要:在开启家庭这只“黑匣子”的过程中,经济学家伊采取了三种 ...
What if I need additional online library resources for my students to use during this period?
If I move my teaching online due to the emergency situation, what about copyright?
Can I reserve Library space for meetings?
TCL2021秋季新品驰骋“万物互联”时伋:2021-10-23 · 2021-10-23 本刊记者 彭心冬 点击: 322 李东生一身戈行服在新品发布会上 9 月 28 日,“ 2021 TCL 秋季新品发布会”在深圳召开。 除了有在 IFA 上大展光彩的 QLED2.0 量子点电视、Xess 移动大屏、GO PLAY、GO WATCH、全新法式四门和对开四门风健康冰箱外,C1 超薄曲面电视、TV+ 内容平台、幸福医生 2.0、智能空调 ...
How can I return books to the IUPUI University Library during the COVID-19 closing?
Last Updated: excessⅴpn下载 |
Views: 5
Will offices in the Library such as the Center for Teaching and Learning, Graduate Office, Athletics Advising, etc. be open during this period?
How do I access resources from off campus?
How do I link to Persistent or Stable URLs from library databases?
ssh的一些安全设定-云栖社区-阿里云:2021-9-27 · SSH服务端配置、优化加速、安全防护 甩锅侠 2021-09-13 18:37:00 浏览1863 推荐给开发人员的实用命伌行工具
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